About us

Himachal Hospital Of Mental Health and Rehabilitation, Boileauganj Shimla

Mental Health Act 1987 (since repealed Mental Health Care Act 2017) mandated establishment of the Mental health Hospital every State. Acting on the requirement of the Act, Himachal Government established the Himachal Hospital of Mental Health and Rehabilitation in the year 2002.

In the salubrious locale of deodar surrounded forest the isolation hospital under Indira Gandhi Medical college was converted in to Himachal Hospital of Mental health and Rehabilitation. A new building started to come up and was completed in 2004. The hospital was inaugurated on 2nd October 2004 by the then Governor of Himachal Pradesh His Excellency Sh. Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje in the presence of the then Chief Minister Sh. Vir Bhadra Singh.

Dr. R.S. Dhatwalia who was first psychiatrist to join the hospital in 2004 was also posted as first Senior Medical Superintendent of the Himachal Hospital of Mental Health and Rehabilitation.

Hospital infrastructure (Bed Strength)

Male Ward Female Ward Rehabilitation

Hospital Sanitation

Hospital sanitation is run on outsourcing basis by contractor. Nine workers including one supervisor look after the work of sanitation in three shifts.

Sanitation is done by machines and manually. Work is awarded after inviting open tenders every year in the month of January or February. Tender opening committee chaired by Sr. Medical Superintendent includes SMO, Assistant controller of Finance and representative of District administration. In the event of satisfactory work can be entrusted to contractor for one year.


Hospital provides three times meals and evening tea with biscuits daily. Once in a week non-vegetarian food is also served to the inmates. Kitchen is outsourced and every year tenders are floated in the month of January/February and finalised before the beginning of the next financial year.


Hospital linen and dresses of patients is washed twice weekly /as and when required basis in high powered washing machines.